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Secure, Reliable File Transfer

Secure Communications

Queued Messaging (Workflow)

Interactive (Transactional) Messaging

API/Ancillary Services




NetWeave for the Web

Web integration is a specialty of NetWeave Integrated Solutions. After all, we have years of experience in seamlessly integrating new technologies with existing IT infrastructures. That background has allowed us to help our customers web-enable their mission-critical legacy applications by using best-of-breed integration solutions. Bridging the viability of existing corporate investments with the promise of current best practices is where NIS provides great value.

Here’s an example:
An NIS customer owned a back-end legacy system that held considerable amounts of business logic within its large cabinets. Migration to a new, open system was determined to be cost prohibitive; and the legacy system was still working fine. Thus, the customer decided to preserve the legacy system and integrate it with a modern, web-based user interface. The challenge faced was how to avoid the need to modify the legacy system. To address that issue, the customer turned to NetWeave Integrated Solutions.

NIS created a Java communications component containing an XML parser.  The component translated XML messages produced by the web front end into the corresponding message format expected by the legacy communication system. Likewise, information produced by the legacy system was converted to an XML message format that was easily understood and displayed by the web front end.  No reengineering of the original system was incurred.

NetWeave Integrated Solutions offers two similar Java interface flavors, the NWDSBean for EJB architectures and a vanilla POJO (Plain Old Java Object). NIS also provides a .NET interface. Our staff is proficient with every major web integration tool – Apache, JBoss, WebSphere, WebLogic, WebMethods, Tomcat, and so on. We are also adept at Microsoft integration strategies involving the .NET Framework, IIS, and SQL Server.

NIS offers its web-integration services to NetWeave customers as well as to non-NetWeave customers via the NIS Professional Services program.



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