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Secure Communications

Our NetWeave Secure Pipe technology (NSP) provides a number of value-added options that leverage XYPRO Technology Corporation’s XYGATE®/ESDK (www.xypro.com). NSP offers a complete solution for customers and integrators who wish to create a protected, private network across otherwise hostile public-network terrain.

The U.S. Navy uses NWDS Secure Communications in a number of sensitive applications throughout the world. Likewise, Kaiser Permanente counts on the NWDS SSL technology to protect customer data in compliance with HIPAA and PCI Data Security Standards.

Currently, NSP is available as an add-on to NetWeave Distributed Services base licenses. It’s available for MS/Windows, Linux, Oracle/Solaris, HP-UX, IBM/AIX, and HP NonStop Server.

Secure Pipe Features

Session Consolidation
Setting up encrypted sessions with key exchanges can be very expensive, particularly for frequent, temporary sessions. The Secure Pipe establishes permanent, encrypted sessions between its endpoints. Protected, short-lived application sessions can be created and destroyed repeatedly with no significant overhead.

Secure Vault
The Secure Pipe employs a special encrypted vault for storage and maintenance of all information related to credentials, including user names/passwords, private keys, and private-key passwords. No sensitive information is stored in the clear.

Secure Pipe components are required to present user name/password credentials upon establishment of an NSP session. Authentication may occur against the underlying host system user authentication system or against a user name/password stored and administered in a secure vault managed on the host system.

Application Transparency
Use of the Secure Pipe requires no changes to existing applications.

The Secure Pipe has a user interface that provides control and monitoring facilities for NSP and its associated applications.



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